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New Hire - Onboarding

These steps of adding new hires to our IT resources are recorded and also outlined on the GraceLink proccess page here: People | Grace Church ( (Weblinks don't work on GraceLink descriptions currently). Notes can also be added on there as well.

This book helps document the way IT gets new hires setup technology wise, and aims to streamline this process as efficiently and accurately as possible. It is important to keep this book up to date as much as possible since it ties in several sub processes. It gives a list of each sub process of the Hire process and gives links to the pages that describe each sub process more in detail. Each link opens a new tab that you can close once you are done with a sub process.


This information we require from HR and the Hiring Manager before doing the Applicant Process: 

Right now, This information can be gathered from a form that HR can fill out here:

Application Process

These candidates are in the midst of the hiring process. There may be a tentative hire date while they are going through the process.

  • Enter potential/certain hire date in the notes.
  • Once their hiring is certain and a date is set, mark them as Done. This will move them to both the Hired and Orientation Queues.
  • IT, GraceLink (GL), and Campus Office will also be alerted.


This person is in the application process and will likely be hired.

Create Microsoft Account

We used to create local AD accounts for everyone, but now we are just creating online Azure AD accounts for new hires.

  • Create Microsoft account in AD
  • Create account in cloud AD
  • License them based on their role
  • Add them to distribution groups
  • Following this guide, Procedure to Update Li... | Grace Church KB (;
  • Add User to proper Licensing Group:
    • Licenses - User Email Only: Use for Part Time staff who won't be using computers, but just need Outlook on their personal device. 
    • Licenses - User Standard: Assign other staff to this. 

For more information on how to manually create a Microsoft Account on the Office365 admin page click here.

This sub process is going to be automated some by this Microsoft Flow. This flow also adds the some of the non-automated steps as 'tasks' in the Grace IT Group Planner.

Image Laptop

We are currently looking into Microsoft AutoPilot to help us streamline this step more. It is definitely not required, but it helps in accessibility since theoretically all that a staff member needs to do, who is enrolled in AutoPilot, is grab their "new" computer (either from Grace IT or Best Buy, etc), and just sign into their 365 account. And then their profile/stuff is automatically setup/pulled down.

Prepare laptop for use by staff member

Follow this checklist:

Create Phone Account

Create phone account if required

Deploy Laptop

Give the laptop to the staff member

Again, we are looking to use AutoPilot to automate some of this.
