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Updating the Mobile App

Access the App Dashboard

The Admin Page can be accessed here: 

In the left side navigation select "Library" then "Media".

To add a message to an existing series

Click "Create Media Item" in the top left.

  1. Give the message a Title
  2. Select the Sermon Series from the Media Series drop down menu
  3. Click Create


On the following page:

  1. Fill out the desired fields under Basic Info
  2. Enter the URLs of the message under Video & Audio
    1. Video is mostly likely a Vimeo URL.
      1. Format of: 
    2. Audio will be the URL where the podcast was uploaded.
      1. Format of:
  3. Upload or link a PDF or Web Links as needed
  4. Add desired Artwork 
  5. Publish the Media Item


To create a new sermon series

Click "Create Media Series" in the top left & name the series. Then fill out the following:

  1. Give the Semon series a Title & (optional) Subtitle in the Basic Info section
  2. Upload the series Artwork
  3. Publish the series
