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Exit Staff - Entire Process

These steps of exiting staff  are recorded and also outlined on the GraceLink proccess page here: People | Grace Church ( (Weblinks don't work on GraceLink descriptions currently). Notes can also be added on there as well.

This book helps document the way IT cleans up the tech for exiting staff, and aims to streamline this process as efficiently and accurately as possible. It is important to keep this book up to date as much as possible since it ties in several sub processes. It gives a list of each sub process of the Exit Staff process and gives links to the pages that describe each sub process more in detail. Each link opens a new tab that you can close once you are done with a sub process.

Exit Staff Member

When a person is marked as "Done", they will be automatically placed into HR's Offboarding "IT Complete" Queue to let them know that IT has finished the off boarding process for this employee.

Archive Exited Staff Member

  • Archive user's OneDrive files

     (using User Archive account)

  • Remove managers access to OneDrive files

  • Archive OneDrive files

Cleanup Exited Staff Member