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Preparing for Leased Laptop Replacement

If you are receiving this email, your laptop lease is coming due and we need to get you swapped out by the due date. To help prepare for this, please make sure you have everything you need backed up to your Business OneDrive. Make sure your OneDrive application is open and running to ensure that your files are being backed up and synced to the cloud. Once you are signed into your new laptop it will setup your virtual desktop environment automatically for you, including OneDrive. If you are on a windows laptop, it should also try to reinstall some of your programs you had on your old laptop. If you have certain software configurations or bookmarks you want copied over, you will need to do that yourself. For Chrome you can either make a google account to sync bookmarks and other browser settings automatically, or export them to a file you can use to later import them onto your new laptop, preferably to OneDrive so that it is there (Import bookmarks & settings - Google Chrome Help). To add back your SharePoint folders you were syncing to your old laptop, please refer to this KB guide: How to Sync and Favori... | Grace Church KB (

Please provide a time when we can do this and we can work around your schedule to get you swapped out. If you have questions about this please let us know.